How to Crochet Without a Slip Knot
Most of us learned to start our crochet by making a slip knot. It’s so annoying to squish some soft, luxurious, handmade item and feel that hard little bump. But you don’t have to! You can start your crochet without a slip knot.

Starting chain without a slip knot
Twist the yarn to make a loop, just like you would to make a slip knot. The tail is crossing in front of the working yarn. Normally, at this point, you would pull the working yarn through the loop to form your slip knot…but don’t. Instead, put this twisted loop on your hook. .

Pinch the twist with your other hand to hold it in place.

Now, draw the working yarn through with your hook to make your chains as normal. After a few chains, you can let go of the start loop.

First Row
When working back across your chains, be sure to work into the last one. It will be a little loose, but you can snug it up nicely by pulling on the tail.

All you’re doing is making a very loose slip knot and counting that as your first chain. It’s fast and easy once you’ve done it a few times.
If this technique just doesn’t work for you, there is another way to ditch the knot as well. Make a slip knot as normal, and then just undo the knot after you have a couple of rows completed. Weaving in the tail at the end will secure the yarn, with no knot needed.
Crochet Without a Slip Knot Video Tutorial
Watch this video on YouTube
Magic Loop
So now we know that a slip knot is just a chain that has been tightened. That same first chain can also be a magic loop! The important part is to make sure the tail is on top when you make your twisted loop, so that the first chain can be closed by pulling on the tail. See more details in my starting a crochet circle tutorial.
Not Just for Crochet
This same technique works for knitting too. Just put the twisted loop on your needle instead of a slip knot, and continue to cast on as normal. For some cast ons you may want to twist the loop the other way, but try it both ways and see which works better in each case.
The only time I would not use it is if you plan to pick up stitches from the cast on edge. In that case the slip knot gives you a bit more structure to pick up from, and then you can undo it later.

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By putting an extra twist in the yarn you don’t have to hold it past the first chain. I learned this years ago, great until ypu have to teach someone how to crochet in 2 hours and you need to teach a simple pattern that they can use without any help as they live a province away.
Pia Thadani
Oooh neat trick, I’ll have to try that! And yes, I agree – slip knot is much easier for beginners to learn first! 🙂
that is the only way i learned to start a crochet chain. i tried the other way with the knot and can not do it, and been so simple.?
Pia Thadani
that’s cool! everyone I know was taught to start with a knot
Shauna Clark
I love this idea! I also really hate knots in my finished pieces, but thought they were a necessity for a chain or standing sc. I will 100% be trying this. It seems so simple, but I hadn’t thought of it so thank you for thinking to post instructions for it!
Pia Thadani
Once you try it you’ll be hooked! 🙂
How does this not unravel without a knot? Even if you stitch over the tail, seems to me it;s at risk for unraveling at any time.
Pia Thadani
I know, it sounds like it would, but it doesn’t – give it a try and you’ll see! 🙂 It’s the same as the end of the work not unraveling even though there’s no knot there. I’ve made whole sweaters with no slipknot, and not woven in the ends until I’m all done, and have never had any issues. It really doesn’t even loosen up once you get a couple rows in, and once you sew in the end it’s totally secure.
Ruth Lister
Wow! Love that trick Tamara! Thank you so much.
Looking forward to 2018 and reading your newsletter and keeping up with the latest. Happy New Year to all.
Pia Thadani
Awesome I’m glad you like it!!! You’ve left this comment on my blog (StitchesNScraps) and not Tamara’s btw, but I’ll let her know 🙂
Linda Humann
I’m trying this and it will be my starting stitch from now on. Goodbye
Pia Thadani
yay!!! 🙂
Donna Gatlin
Love the idea of no knot. Will try on my next project. Thanks for the suggestion and tutorial.
Pam Gutschalk
Just experimented with this using the double twist. A bit awkward at first but…this is awesome! Now I just have to remember this after 40 years of making slipknots.
Love this! Used this technique with both crochet FSC, as well as with a regular starting chain. Held and looks so much more professional. Thanks for sharing!
Anne Cartwright
In knitting I don’t have a knot as I use the thumb method with two strands of yarn (no long tail wastage), and the slip knot pulls out at the end of the first row. In crochet, unless it’s lacy, my first row is done as Tunisian. Lovely base edge.
So glad to see that I’m not the only one who does this. I’m almost ashamed whenever I see a crochet or knit tutorial and they say to start with a slip knot. Now that I know it’s acceptable to others, I’ll feel smug instead.
Pia Thadani
LOL feel smug, you’re allowed! 🙂 I always have to stop myself from butting in and going – you know, you don’t HAVE to do that….
Thank you so much! I’d looked everywhere how to get rid of that annoying knot at the beginning chain stitches on Crochet.
Pia Thadani
Yay! I’m glad you found it 🙂
Ellen Wynkoop
Wow, thanks! I appreciate your clean and clear instructions, plus your infectious excitement. Looking forward to more videos. Happy crocheting!
Pia Thadani
Thanks! I’m glad you liked it 🙂