Scrappy Stitchers Link Party #44
The July Scrappy Stitchers Link Party had a great variety of projects. The most clicked was the Summer Season Crochet Flowers Pin by Lilia Craft Party. It’s a bundle of flower designs with different options for using them. I think I like the bouquet best.
Now it’s your turn
Remember, any fiber related project you’ve made is fine – it does not have to be your own design and you don’t have to have a blog. You can link up your Ravelry project pages or Instagram photos too, so come share your love for fiber!
While you’re here, help support each other by clicking on a few of the other entries. If you post about your entry on social media, please use the hashtag #ScrappyStitchersLinkParty so we can all find your posts.
A few simple rules:
- Adding your link to this link party gives me permission to share your link and picture on my site, in my newsletter, and social media.
- Please limit entries to family friendly, fiber arts projects only.
- Please do not link any items that contain trademarked characters, logos, etc.
- All entries should be something you personally made, not someone else’s work.
- Please link directly to your blog post or project page, not to your home page.
- Please no advertising, storefronts, facebook pages, giveaways, etc., just share actual projects.
- If your link is featured as “most clicked”, please do not enter it again in future link parties.
- Links that don’t follow the rules listed above, or are otherwise inappropriate may be removed at my sole discretion.
- Please support each other by clicking on a few of the other links in the party as well.
Use the “add your link” button below to submit your project.
At the bottom of the post, next to the “add your link” button, there is a timer showing how much time is left before this month’s party closes. All fiber arts are welcome, and all you need to participate is a link where we can see your project. Links are displayed in random order. The most clicked link will be featured on next month’s link party and I will share it on my social media pages.

Lilia Vanini
Yay! Thank you so much to featured my crochet flowers patterns! You just made my week so happy and love your blog parties! Im here every week!
Thank you again!
Pia Thadani
And I love having you here! <3