Blooming Bobbles Square Crochet Pattern

Bobbles emerge from behind post stitches and bloom into a 12-petaled flower in the Blooming Bobbles Square. This 12-inch crochet square has layers of texture and an ever-changing pattern with something new in each round!

Blooming Bobbles Crochet Square

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Moogly Afghan CAL

I designed this crochet square for the Moogly 2023 afghan CAL. Are you crocheting along? With 24 squares total, this square is just about halfway through. There’s plenty of time to catch up! See the main post for the full schedule and links to all the squares.

Take a look at the block 12 post to see how Moogly’s version of this crochet square pattern turned out.

Moogly Version of Blooming Bobbles blanket square

Red Heart With Love Yarn

This year, I’ve used some leftover Caron One Pound and Red Heart With Love yarns that Yarnspirations had sent me for previous designs. For the solid color version, I used 10523 Azure (the lightest blue in the picture below.

Caron 1 Pound yarn in 4 shades of blue and grey

The multi-color version combines 10616 Soft Gray Mix with Red Heart With Love in 1711 Cameo (the solid pink in the picture below)

Red Heart With Love yarn

These skeins have SO much yarn and are so fun to mix and match, that I’ve been able to use them for 6 different patterns already! Check out the various combinations in these patterns:

Color Changes

This square works well in a solid color, or in multiple colors! Change colors as desired throughout the square to create the look you want.

Blooming Bobbles Square in 4 colors

At the very center of this crochet square, there is a hexagon with post stitches at the front and bobbles behind them. For my multi-colored square, I alternated between grey for the post stitch rounds (1 and 3) and pink for the other rounds (2 and 4) in this section. I shifted to solid pink for the petals section, and then to blue for the outer square section.

Adjusting the Size

Sometimes our gauge can vary a bit as we crochet, leaving you with a square that’s slightly larger or smaller than you wanted.

To make your square smaller, you can skip the last round if needed. I do not recommend skipping any more rounds than that because the square shape will not be even.

To make your square larger, you can work the last round in dc instead of hdc, and/or repeat the last round as needed. If repeating the last round, change the corner combination to (hdc, ch 2, hdc) on every alternate round to keep the stitch count from growing too quickly.

Full Video Tutorial!

Need more help? See the full video tutorial for this pattern!

Blooming Bobbles Blanket Square Tutorial

Blooming Bobbles Square

Project level Intermediate

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  • Yarn: 175 yds total in any combination of
    • Caron One Pound – 100% acrylic, worsted weight yarn (812 yds / 454g per skein) – Shown in #10616 Soft Gray Mix and #10523 Azure
    • Red Heart With Love – 100% acrylic, worsted weight yarn – 370 yds / 198 g per skein – Shown in: #1711 Cameo
  • Hook: Size J / 6 mm hook or size needed to match gauge
  • Notions:
    • Scissors
    • Tapestry Needle

Project Level

Intermediate: Front post stitches, working into rounds below, bobbles, changing colors, working in the round.


12-inch square


11 sc x 12 rnds = 4 inches after blocking.

Use pattern as gauge swatch – after rnd 6, work should measure about 4.25 inches in diameter.

Abbreviations used

This pattern uses US terms.

  • beg bo = beginning bobble (see Special Stitches)
  • bo = bobble (see Special Stitches)
  • ch = chain
  • dc = double crochet
  • fptr = front post treble crochet
  • hdc = half double crochet
  • rep = repeat
  • rnd = round
  • sc = single crochet
  • sc2tog = single crochet 2 stitches together
  • sk = skip
  • sl st = slip stitch
  • sp = space
  • st(s) = stich(es)
  • tr = treble crochet
  • yo = yarn over

Special Stitch

Beginning Bobble (beg bo): Ch 3, [yo, insert hook in indicated st or sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook] 4 times in same st or sp, yo and pull through all 5 loops on hook.

Beginning Bobble

Bobble (bo): [Yo, insert hook in indicated st or sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook] 5 times in same st or sp, yo and pull through all 6 loops on hook.

5 partial double crochets for a bobble

For a more detailed look, see this crochet bobble tutorial.


See the full video tutorial here. Scroll down for chart.

Entire pattern is worked on the right side, do not turn work between rnds.

Join rnds as indicated with a sl st in the first st of the rnd.

Change colors as desired throughout.


Rnd 1: Ch 5 (counts as center ch, first dc, and first ch-1 sp), [dc, ch 1] 5 times in 5th ch from hook (center ch), join in 4th ch of starting ch-5 (top of first dc), sl st in first ch-1 sp. (6 dc, 6 ch-1 sps)

Rnd 1 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 2: Beg bo in same ch-1 sp, ch 4, sk next dc, [bo in next ch-1 sp, ch 4, sk next dc] around, join. (6 bo, 6 ch-4 sps)

Rnd 2 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 3: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), working in front of Rnd 2, [fptr around next dc on Rnd 1, ch 7] around, join. (6 fptr, 6 ch-7 sps)

Rnd 3 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in first fptr, working in front of ch-7 sps around, *2 sc in ch-4 sp on Rnd 2 behind fptr just worked into placing stitches after the fptr, ch 1, sk next bo on Rnd 2, placing stitches before next fptr from Rnd 3, 2 sc in next ch-4 sp on rnd 2,** sc in next fptr on Rnd 3; rep from * around, ending at ** on last rep, join. (30 sc, 6 ch-1 sps)

Rnd 4 of Blooming Bobbles


Rnd 5: Ch 1, fptr around first fptr on Rnd 3, *working behind Rnd 4, 3 dc in next ch-7 sp on Rnd 3, tr in next ch-1 sp on rnd 4, working behind Rnd 4 and after fptr just made, 3 dc in same ch-7 sp on Rnd 3, fptr around next fptr on Rnd 3; rep from * 4 times, working behind Rnd 4, 3 dc in next ch-7 sp on Rnd 3, tr in last ch-1 sp on rnd 4 and the starting ch-2 from rnd 3 below it, working behind Rnd 4, 3 dc in same ch-7 sp on Rnd 3, join. (36 dc, 6 tr, 6 fptr)

Rnd 5 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 6: Beg bo in first fptr, ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 2, sk next dc, [bo in next st, ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 2, sk next dc] around, join. (12 dc, 12 bo, 24 ch-2 sps)

Rnd 6 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 7: Skipping all ch-2 sps around, ch 1, sc in first bo, 7 dc in next dc, [sc in next bo, 7 dc in next dc] around, join. (12 sc, 84 dc)

Rnd 7 of Blooming Bobbles

Outer Square

Rnd 8: Ch 1, sk first sc, sc in blo of next 4 dc, *hdc in blo of next 2 dc, dc in blo of next dc, sk next sc, dc in blo of next 2 dc, sk next dc, (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next dc, sk next dc, dc in blo of next 2 dc, sk next sc, dc in blo of next dc, hdc in blo of next 2 dc,** sc in blo of next 8 dc; rep from * to last 4 dc, ending at ** on last repeat, sc in blo of last 4 dc, join, sl st in next sc. (32 sc, 16 hdc, 40 dc, 4 corner ch-1 sps)

Rnd 8 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 9: Ch 1, sk first st, sc in next 4 sts, *hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 4 sts, (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next ch-1 sp, dc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, sc2tog in next 2 sts,** sc in next 4 sts; rep from * around, ending at ** on last rep, join. (32 sc, 16 hdc, 48 dc, 4 sc2tog, 4 corner ch-1 sps)

Rnd 9 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in first 6 sts, *hdc in next 6 sts, (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next ch-1 sp, hdc in next 6 sts,** sc in next 13 sts; rep from * 3 times, ending at ** on last rep, sc in last 7 sts. (52 sc, 48 hdc, 16 dc, 4 corner ch-1 sps)

Rnd 10 of Blooming Bobbles

Rnd 11: Ch 1, [hdc in each st across to next corner ch-1 sp, (2 hdc, ch 1, 2 hdc) in corner ch-1 sp] 4 times, hdc in each remaining st around, join. (132 hdc, 4 corner ch-1 sps)


Wash and block. Blocking is important with this pattern, as it will open up the spaces in the center.

Blooming Bobbles Square Chart

Blooming Bobbles chart
Click image to expand

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Blooming Bobbles Crochet Square

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I hope you enjoyed this Blooming Bobbles pattern. A downloadable pdf of this pattern is available on Ravelry for a small fee. The fee for the pdf format is to offset the advertising revenue lost when you print or download the pattern rather than viewing it online.

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