Tutorial – Alternating Cable / Seed Stitch Cast On

This cast on is sometimes called the alternating cable cast on, or the seed stitch cast on. It’s similar to the cable cast on, but alternates between knit and purl stitches. Before learning this cast on, you should know the knitted cast on and the cable cast on

Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

As you would expect, the seed stitch cast on works very well for seed stitch. The alternating knits and purls blend perfectly, making the cast on practically invisible. It works equally well for ribbing.

Because the side edge of garter stitch alternates between knit and purl rows, it also looks very much like this cast on. For some patterns (like mitered squares) this can help create a uniform edge all the way around.

Alternating Cable Cast On – Photo Tutorial:

(Scroll down for video tutorial)

Set up – First 2 stitches

Your first 2 stitches are the same as for a knitted or cable cast on. Place a slip knot on your left needle as your first stitch. The slip knot creates a bump that looks like a purl bump, so we count is as a purl stitch.

Since we are alternating, our next stitch needs to be a knit stitch. Knit into the first stitch and place that new knit stitch onto the left needle, just like you would for a knitted cast on.

First 2 stitches on left needle - Cable Cast-on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Casting on purlwise: 

Now we have a purl and a knit, so our next stitch should be a purl. Since this is a cable cast on, we’re still going to insert our needle between the two stitches, but this time do it from the back to the front.

insert to purl - Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Purl into this space the same way you would normally purl into a stitch: Wrap the yarn around your needle, and scoop it through the hole. 

finish purl - Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Pull the new stitch up so that it’s quite big. Without twisting it, place the new stitch onto the left needle.

put purl on needle - Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Casting on Knitwise

Our next stitch then needs to be a knit stitch. This is done exactly the same as in a normal cable cast on. Insert your needle between the two stitches from front to back and knit into that space like you would knit into a stitch.

knit bet sts - Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Pull the new stitch up so that it’s quite big. Twist the left needle around and insert it into this new stitch from back to front, placing the new stitch onto the left needle.

put knit on needle - Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Remaining Stitches

Continue alternating between knit and purl stitches until you have cast on as many stitches as you need.

Alternating Cable (Seed Stitch) Cast on Tutorial on Stitches n Scraps

Cable Cast On – Video Tutorial:

Before learning this cast on, you should know the knitted cast on and the cable cast on

View this video on YouTube


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