Tea Cozy Tuesday – April – Week #4
There are 5 Tuesdays this month, so this is a bonus Tea Cozy Tuesday post. Since we have extra time, I’m making an extra cozy! Here’s an update on my April tea cozies.
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April Tea Cozies Update
Our pattern this month is the Daylily Tea Cosy for Mother’s Day by Jenny Stacey. Last week, I had just finished the panels for a red cozy.
I decided to block these lightly before seaming just to stop the edges from curling. I thought a quick rinse and stretch would make it easier to line up the seams properly.
While those were blocking, I made yellow panels as well. Now I have all 4 panels done and blocked. By next week I’ll have 2 lovely cozies!
Are you making an April tea cozy?
Join in the Tea Cozy Tuesday Fun!
- Share your progress with the hashtag #Tea_Cozy_Tuesday
- Check out all the other finished cozies on the Pinterest page.
- Visit the Ravelry group for tips and suggestions, to follow everyone’s progress, or just for some tea talk.
- Visit the main Tea Cozy Tuesday post for the full schedule and all the links.
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